Reykjavik Whale Watching Diary 30th August 2014

30.Aug 2014

Tour at 09:00

They bay was very calm, most of the sky was grey but the sun managed to find an opening and warm us up for most of the tour. We had to sail a bit far to find any whales but were followed by Fulmares and the occasional Puffin most of the tour. Suddenly a Minke Whale popped up in front of us and as we were following it around another one was feeding close by. A few Harbor Porpoises came swimming by the boat on our way home.

Tour at 10:00

Last day of the season on our whale watching express today and what a great one ! We sailed to a quite calm Faxafloi Bay and all our passengers were feeling very comfortable wearing the warm overalls provided on board. We first found one Minke Whale not that far out and saw it several times. After about 15 minutes the whale went away so we decided to sail further and try to find another one or other species. We noticed lots of birds after 20 minutes of sailing and so we decided to slow down and look closely in that area. We searched for about 30 minutes , not giving up! And it was worth the wait ! We found a second Minke Whale and it resurfaced so close to the boat that our passengers were very surprised 🙂 We were lucky enough to see at least 30 magnificent Gannets fishing in this area and the show was spectacular!