Minkes & Dolphins in the Bay

18.Oct 2021



After Sunday´s storm, the weather got a bit better and the wind calmed down, but the sea conditions were still rough and the waves quite big. With all the white-caps around us, we were quite lucky to spot a big pod of white-beaked dolphins. They seemed to play “hide and seek” and a few times we thought we had lost them, but then they suddenly showed up again. With joint efforts from our passengers, we were able to follow the dolphins for a while. A not long time after we saw a minke whale! It did not stay with us for too long, but it came quite close to the boat (as minke whales rarely do), so it was a successful tour with lots of animals in the bay!

-Iga Meister 

Tour Status: ON
Sightings: YES – Minke whale, white-beaked dolphins


The weather did not really improve this afternoon – it was still rough and raining more and more. We were searching the bay for a long time but without any success. All the animals we saw this morning just seemed to swim underground. Our passengers were getting cold standing at the front of the boat, but many of them did not want to give up. And then very unexpectedly we saw it! The king of the bay – the majestic humpback whale dived in just in front of our boat, showing his beautiful fluke! It was very rewarding for all the people who kept standing in front despite the cold and rain! Not many passengers managed to take a picture of the diving whale, cause it all happened so fast and unfortunately our humpback friend never showed up again. For those who were too late grabbing the camera, you can find the pic of today’s dive HERE (thanks to the courtesy of our passenger Peter). For those who feel unsatisfied with this afternoon´s whale watching, we are offering you guys another whale safari tour for free! 

-Iga Meister 

Tour Status: ON
Sightings: YES – Brief humpback whale – passengers are invited to come again for free!