It was great to be back at sea after a few days of being grounded at the harbor. For once, no wind, no big waves, even though the weather was terrible the day before. But the waves were deceitful, they moved you more than expected and some of us were only happy outside in the cold. We stared at the sea for a long while, looking for any sign of whales. We saw many flocks of seabirds, sitting on the water, but no sign of our marine mammals. After a long while, we spotted briefly the dorsal fins of two white-beaked dolphins, which disappeared almost right away, without reappearing anywhere. They were probably hunting and didn’t feel like being social like they can often be. We turned around, and around again, and waited. Then a pod of harbor porpoises appeared next to the boat, and again in front of it. Harbor porpoises are very small and shy, and they only passed quickly, but for those of us who managed to see them for the short time they were there, it was a very nice and delicate encounter. We were hoping to see them or the dolphins again, but those wild animals had decided otherwise. We’ll hopefully have more luck next time and our guests are welcome to join another tour with us.
Tour Status: ON
Sightings: YES : white-beaked dolphins and harbour porpoises