Rainy Morning in the Bay! 

03.Apr 2022



It was still raining a little bit when we left the harbor, but fortunately, it stopped shortly after. Clouds were quite low but visibility was better than expected in these conditions. The sea was a little bit rough on the way to the feeding grounds as the wind was coming from the west, where we were headed, but it got better as soon as we turned the boat to sail with the waves. The three whale-watching boats present in the bay that morning were well spread out to cover a wider area in search of whales. Lately, we had mostly spotted humpback whales, but we were alert for any kind of big whale or dolphin. We sailed around and covered almost every corner of the bay, but whales were nowhere to be found. It was still a pleasant, sunny at times morning, with a lot of sea birds such as northern fulmars, black-legged kittiwakes, and northern gannets. Our passengers can claim a free ticket to try again anytime in the future, and hopefully, the whales will cooperate next time. 

Tour Status: ON

Sightings: NO – Our passengers are invited to come again for free!


As we didn’t manage to find whales on the previous tour, we didn’t know what were our chances for this one. But sometimes the two tours have very different sightings so anything was possible. The sea was rougher and the boat definitely rocked up and down a lot as we were sailing toward the feeding grounds. That’s the complementary roller-coaster ride that nature grants us sometimes. Our passengers seemed to handle it well and to enjoy being outside. We looked for a long time for whales but it seems that maybe they have a day off on Sundays as humans do. Our guests can join another tour for free to try to meet those beautiful creatures. 

Tour Status: ON

Sightings: NO – Our passengers are invited to come again for free!