We sailed out of the Old Harbour into Kollafjorður. It looked as it would be calmer than we expected, and for much of the tour we would experience quite calm conditions.
There was a lot of bird life seeking shelter among the small islands in the fjord; further, closer to the feeding grounds it was more windy. As we searched the feeding grounds we came across a pod of white-beaked dolphins. These last couple of days we have been meeting very friendly dolphins that travelled in groups of up to 20, and this pod was no exception. They swam all around us and come close to us in a playful manner, almost as if they were encouraging us to take part in a game with them.
We enjoyed their presence a bit longer before heading further in the bay to look for more good sightings; we searched far and wide and for a while.
Time was running out and we began to head back when suddenly a crew member spotted a blow from afar. We sailed souther of the feeding grounds and then we saw blows high into the air. This was clearly a large creature and as we sailed further south towards the setting sun, we saw the arching back of a humpback whale.
We got great sightings of this beautiful baleen whale because on several occasions it swam towards the boat and went for a deeper dive right next to us.
It was a great tour altogether with encounters of two of the four most common species in the bay. We headed back after a successful tour with great sightings.
Tour Status: ON
Sightings: YES – Humpback, White-beaked dolphins