A strong wind was blowing from the northeast for today’s Whale Watching adventure. We suggested our guests prepare by wrapping up in our free warm overalls, which would definitely come in handy today! We set sail on the Andrea from the Old Harbor and sailed north through Kollafjörður, then turning southwest to sail with the waves for a smooth ride. On the way out, we briefly encountered a pod of harbor porpoises heading towards the city, perhaps stopping into town for some fish and chips! These tiny toothed whales are very shy, and today was no different – they vanished after surfacing only a few times, and we continued on. The strong wind made for some waves and adventurous sailing today! Farther out, we admired the beautiful landscape, along with seabirds including cormorants, northern fulmars, northern gannets, and more. We searched the feeding grounds of Faxaflói Bay very carefully, working with another boat as well, and we had another brief encounter with a harbor porpoise. Unfortunately, despite our very best efforts, the cetaceans decided not to show themselves off better. We invited everyone on board to come again for free for another chance to see them!
– Jonathan Rempel
Tour Status: ON
Sightings: YES – Harbor porpoises, but brief; passengers invited to come again for free