Humpback Morning

24.Jun 2018



Great time on board of the Andrea this morning, the biggest boat of our fleet! I have been sailing with many brave sailors who spent the entire time with me in the top bridge looking for whales. Their patience has been rewarded because a minke whale surfaced close to the boat, followed by an other one! Luckily few minutes later an other species joined the party, it was a humpback whale!  Incredible creature, we saw it breathing and fluking several times before we run out of time and we had to go back to the harbor. On the way back we had to stop the boat though! A group of harbour porpoises came very close to the boat and gave us the possibility to see three up to the four most common cetacean is in the Faxa bay!

-Federico Facchin

Tour Status: ON 
Sightings: Yes – Minke whale, humpback whale and harbour porpoises.


Sailing out on this cloudy day seemed already promising to easily spot some whales. And yes shortly after leaving the harbour the first pod of white-beaked dolphins came across our way. The animals were really relaxed and not in a hurry, it was an amazing moment for everyone on board to observe this event.

But this was apparently not everything for today…heading a bit further we seemed to hit the right spot for minke whales. Surrounded by at least 3 individuals we all had a great time on board. Finally on the way home some harbour porpoises appeared near the boat, what a successful trip!

– Annika Heimrich

Tour Status: ON 
Sightings: YES – Minke whales and white-beaked dolphins.


Our last whale watching tour on Andrea for the day was definitely a rainy one, but fortunately the sailing was mostly quite smooth for our adventure. We sailed out from the Old Harbor in Reykjavík, and headed out towards the feeding grounds of Faxaflói. Although our search required some patience, suddenly our sightings hit us all at once – in just one small area, we spotted minke whaleswhite-beaked dolphins, and harbor porpoises all within a few minutes of each other! We started with the dolphins, who were swimming all around our boat to check us out before vanishing. We then moved between minke whales and pods of harbor porpoises, seeing both of these species many times thereafter. There were also very large flocks of feeding seabirds in the area, so our part of the feeding grounds was absolutely full of life! Although it was a rainy and windy adventure out in the bay, the free warm overalls provided to our passengers let us stay outside and feel like true vikings. Our passengers were definitely deserving of the title Icelandic Sailor! We hope they enjoy the rest of their stay in Iceland as much as they enjoyed our journey together.

– Jonathan Rempel

Tour Status: ON 
Sightings: YES – Minke whales, white-beaked dolphins and harbor porpoises.



What a beautiful morning to sail out. Sea conditions were good, the ocean was all green, the visibility perfect, with overcast weather good to spot the whales. We started by spitting one harbour porpoise a bit far but kept sailing out and found two minke whales and one resting humpback whale in the same area. We stayed with the humpback whale and got a glimpse at another harbour porpoise. The humpback looked like he/she was resting, coming up often to the surface not showing the tail until it did finally to the surprise and the joy of our passengers. We saw more minkes on the way back.

-Bastien Gueit

Tour Status: ON 
Sightings: YES – Minke whales, humpback whale and harbour porpoises.


Tour Status: ON 
Sightings: YES – Minke whale, harbour porpoises


Tour Status: ON 
Sightings: No – passengers invited to join again for free



Tour Status: ON
Sightings: TBA


Blog Coming soon

Tour Status: ON
Sightings: YES – Humpback whale


The tour started on time and after spending few minutes in front of the puffing island we headed to the feeding grounds of the whales! We kept sailing and searching for them for a while and finally we have been rewarded! A beautiful minke whale  surfaced right in front of us! One more joined the party few minutes later and we could see them feeding before we had to go back home.

-Federico Facchin

Tour Status: ON
Sightings: Yes – Minke Whale.


Incredible afternoon spent with whales! we found a group of minke whales,  probably up to ten of them!! As soon as we switched off the engines, one of them came very close, about three meters far from the RIB boat! before we could see also some harbour porpoises, they also came very close although they usually are very shy. Lucky trip!

-Federico Facchin

Tour Status: ON 
Sightings: YES – Minke whale and harbour porpoises.