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Tour Status: ON
Sightings: YES – Minke whales, white-beaked dolphins and harbour porpoises
Andrea departed from Reykjavik Old Harbour for a whale watching themed cruise in the Icelandic waters of Faxafloi bay. Facing a short swell, we headed west toward the feeding grounds. As we reached the area we searched for dorsal fins. We eventually found White Beaked Dolphins. These toothed cetaceans were swimming idly in the afternoon sun, probably searching for fish. We observed them for a while as they wooshed past our bow and fended the surface with their long and curvy fin, leaving an evanescent trail of silvery water in their wake. We also admired their muscular flanks decorated by a distinctive wide grey-white band. We then monitored the feeding grounds, hoping to find more whales. As we drove further out, a Minke Whale surfaced right in front of the boat and went for a deep dive. We waited for 5 minutes until the whale surfaced once again on our port side, three times, before vanishing. As our time ran out we finally made our way back to Reykjavik while reminiscing about our encounter with the dolphins and the minke whale.
Tour Status: ON
Sightings: YES – Minke whales and white-beaked dolphins