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Our whale watching tours are going ahead as scheduled today, and conditions look good! For more information please contact our reception team at or at +354-560-8800. You can also contact us to book the tour, or book directly through our website. See you soon!
Enjoying the sunny day we sailed out this morning and quickly came across 4 minke whales! They were not interacting with one another but all gathered in an area with lots of bis activity. Occasionally, we got to see one of them feeding at the surface with lots of birds trying to get some fish too. Every now and then one of them would surface close by for everyone to see. Before heading back, 2-3 harbor porpoises passed by briefly.
– Hanna Michel
Tour Status: ON
Sightings: Minke Whales, Harbor Porpoises
Our afternoon tour was simply fantastic! The bay was teeming with life and there was so much happening that it was hard to keep track. It took as about an hour, as usual, to get to the main whale and dolphin watching areas but then all started at the same time. We first saw a group of about 7-9 white-beaked dolphins, and at the same time also a minke whale popped up close by. Then it got messy. We must have really hit the right spot on this tour because there were dolphins spread out in all directions, some dispersed, some traveling in small groups. Occasionally, some of them would come up to us and start bow-riding or surfing the waves in the wake of our vessel. Also, minke whales popped up here and there, sometimes in the distance, sometimes just 10-20 meters away from us. We saw at least 5-6 of them, maybe more. They were not shy at all, one of them even seemed to circle another vessel in the area. It’s hard to put a number on the dolphins, too. There must have been more than 50 in a few hundred meters around us. They were pure joy and we got to see many jumps and a lot of juvenile dolphins among them. Eventually, a humpback whale surfaced as well! We had already seen a few large blows of this animal, but it had gone for long dives and stayed hidden from us. Then it surfaced in our vicinity and appeared to be sleeping. It did not seem bothered by us at all and slowly swam next to us and once dove straight underneath our boat. At some point, a group of dolphins started to jump around the humpback whale and were probably annoying it quite a bit. We enjoyed the whole party scene for a while longer, and on the way back home also got to see some harbor porpoises, in total ca. 8-9 of them. It was a great afternoon – I hope everyone onboard appreciated all the cetaceans we had the opportunity to watch and enjoy!
– Hanna Michel
Tour Status: ON
Sightings: Humpback Whales, Minke Whales, Harbor Porpoises, White-beaked dolphins