Photos from the tours can be found here. WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 The weather had markedly improved from yesterday when […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 We had many passengers this morning, eager to see the wonderful wildlife of Faxaflói Bay on […]
WHALE WATCHIN CLASSIC 9:00 It was a sunny morning in Reykjavík when we sailed out on the Lilja for our […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 The rain was coming and going again today, but the fantastic sightings in recent days meant […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 It was a rainy morning in Reykjavík when we took the Lilja out for our morning […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 09:00 We were ready for the adventures that laid ahead in Faxa bay when we boarded our boat […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 After we boarded Lilja and sailed with little the wind into Kollafjord and into the feeding […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 Lilja sailed out of Reykjavik Old Harbour for a whale watching tour in the bay of […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 Lilja sailed out of Reykjavik Old Harbour for a whale watching themed cruise in the bay […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 It was a beautiful day for whale watching, the sea was calm and there was barely […]