WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 Another day of wildlife adventures was upon us! As we set sail from the Old Harbor […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 A fantastic sunrise and a nearly clear sky, perfect conditions to go whale watching. Leaving the […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 Fantastic sunrise and nearly clear sky. A perfect morning to head out into the bay and […]
You can find pictures from this day HERE! WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 What a beautiful morning the Old Harbour of Reykjavík! […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 Sailing into a cold winter morning, amazing lights from the sunrise appeared. Since birds are always a […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 It was a beautiful clear morning in the bay Faxaflói. One of those mornings where I […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 Heading out for the first time today, into a beautiful sunny bay, you could sense excitement […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 After many days of rough sea, we finally sailed in a mirror-flat bay today. Only […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 For our whale watching tour this morning, we set sail from the Old Harbour, just a […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 We left the Old Harbour of Reykjavik on this beautiful but cool morning. We only had […]