WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 The sun has been a little more consistent than usual recently, and today was no exception. […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 This morning we left the harbor on perfect time heading the feeding grounds of the animals […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 09:00 I think we could not have a better tour this morning for the 124 passengers we […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 Tour Status: ON Sightings: YES – Minke whales 13:00 After yesterday´s sightings, anticipation was high for this […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 This morning the sea was simply cloaked with minke whales! It was almost impossible to decide […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 Today we had many passengers from all over the world, and many many whales too! […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 For our whale watching tour this morning, we set sail from the Old Harbour, just a […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 After 24 hours of sun we are back on the sea with rain and clouds, but […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 Humpback whales AND minke whales– what a treat for the passengers of the day. Both of […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 We were up bright and early today. Not as early as the sun, of course, given […]