WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 09:00 This morning we set out with 32 adventurous passengers on board the Great Andrea. the sky […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 09:00 It was a perfectly sunny day that improved greatly the feeling of the cold temperature. Some […]
Unfortunately, our whale watching tours have been cancelled today due to inclement weather conditions – it is too rough to […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 09:00 Many people around Reykjavík were shocked this morning to see that it had snowed overnight after […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 09:00 This morning we set sail at 9:00 am onboard the great Andrea! The largest whale watching […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 09:00 It was still raining a little bit when we left the harbor, but fortunately, it stopped […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 09:00 The tour started under a beautiful sunshine. It was even more pleasant as we knew rain […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 09:00 We sailed out on a calm sea with barely any wind, giving a feeling of spring. […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 09:00 This morning we set out with roughly 60 adventurous passengers on board, the weather was quite […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 09:00 This morning we set out with 28 excited passengers on board our ship Rósin, the weather […]