WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 Leaving the Old Harbour we sailed straight into a Stephen King novel: eerily calm waters and […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 We are currently writing to you live from the ocean! This morning has been absolutely incredible. […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 The time from the dock to the feeding grounds went very quickly today. We narrowly avoided, […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 After this extraordinary day yesterday, we could not wait to get back on the water. Every […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 We left Reykjavík’s Old Harbour to an overcast sky and a slight swell from the west. […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 09:00 Tour status: ON Sightings: YES – Humpback whales, minke whales and white-beaked dolphins 13:00 Tour status: […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 It was a cloudy morning in Reykjavík when we sailed out on the Andrea for our […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 After the rainy deluge of the last couple of days we left Reykjavík’s Old Harbour and […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 9:00 It was raining a bit when we took Andrea out for an other day in the […]
WHALE WATCHING CLASSIC 09:00 Sailing out of the old harbor of Reykjavík, it was raining a little bit, but there […]